
The first thing i did after waking was calling up on Tillu's temporary number about his arrival. His friend told me that he was supposed to reach by 5:30 early morning but didn't reach yet. Now it was 7:30 and after calling Bhallu, we decided to meet at around 9:00. I reached Mamu's place by 9:15 and found him rinsing his jeans, a very painstaking job for him doing for the first time. He had spent last night at Bhallu's place watching movies and returned home today morning. He took off on Bhallu's scooter which he used to return home. I strolled around for a while and took this Sudoku puzzle and after some head scratching finally found out the way to solve it. I stood at the gate checking out the chicks passing by after my small discovery and noticed Tillu walking toward me. We shook hands and around the same time Mamu returned with Bhallu. We shot a few pics using Mamu's new 2.0 Mpix phone N71. These pics came out great and i've included one in my Orkut album. Vidhya was just in time beating my theory on his departure from cricket. We took our cricket bag and reached the ground to find only a few kids playing. We were all set to play the six over lineup in the following order: Tillu, Vidhya, Me, Bhallu and Mamu. Tillu played all his six over playing slightly out of form. Vidhya played 5 overs, thrasing Mamu and Bhallu with his great shots finally giving up his wicket to me after Mamu caught him in a reflexer. My bowling was moving body line with little space for the batsman to play the shots coz the ball sped towards the ribs quickly. Mamu got bold, Bhallu was out in his first over in two consecutive bowls with a reflexer c & b and a slow ball played on. Mamu claimed my wicket with his slow delivery forcing me to play the royal flush. We were at Maradugu around 12:30 and this time it was all fruit juice. Our planning for the evening was, Movie The Angrez, Shopping and Subway. Only two things happened, the movie and eat out at "Cafe Alsaba". I could go on writing about this hilarious movie which everyone should watch, maybe i'll point the link some other time with description. I was finally back at 10:00 and slept a bit late after starting my system for the scheduled downloads.
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