Learning Unlimited

Today I've learnt a lot in web programming, specifically the html part and damn!!, it is indeed different from our regular windows approach. To create a single screen it took me almost around 4 hours (learning part included). The other interesting thing that happened today is that I saw blue clouds (yes it's not a typo) and included it in this post as proof. All you have to do is look on the right top of the picture. It was unbelievable and amazing to see part of the clouds in blue and part in muddy. My day started as usual (now not going to gym has become normal!!) with me hurrying to office as usual. Played pool after lunch and raced down to finish the remaining work. We were done by 6:30 and I stayed back for a while to upload the pic shot from our office Cafeteria. No shopping today either, Bhallu had his sister visiting today evening for Rakhi and it's been quite sometime since i talked to Gullu. Now it's final, KMan is not visiting us this time and hopefully I might get a chance to visit him. Almost forgot to mention about my friend Rakesh, one of my buddies from Diploma came in touch thru Orkut and now we are catching up thru scraps. Dude!! this Orkut thing is cool and i'd definitely suggest it to everyone. Now it's 11:49pm and i'm done for today.
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