Silver Lining

This is my first silver line sky shot after all these days, my friend Bharat is documenting his great collection of silver linings worth watching. My learning continued as usual but this time my speed has improved. Nothing much about morning except my downloader seemed to have problems maintaining connection, somehow it was not working. Anyway i turned it off and went back to bed. Talked to Gullu and KMan over Google Chat and coincidentally Gullu said to me the same thing that i wrote in yesterday's blog. I went upstairs around 5:20 to get the pic of the day and found this silver lining. My work was over by 8:30 and it took me 2 hours to reach home. Traffic cops were no where to be seen and regular guys were managing traffic. Now it's 12:30 and i'm waiting for spybot to finish scanning. That's it for today.
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