Sky Watch
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Casual Thursday

Finally caught up with what I missed this monday and finished the task given to me. Tomorrow i'll be giving a small presentation about using NUnit and writing test cases. My day started as usual without much activity apart from checking the download status. One of drive seems to have caught up bad sectors and I had to format the entire partition to keep it from hanging everytime MyComputer was stated. Didn't get much time to go online in google for some chat with Gullu and KMan. Bhallu called up and we talked about ways to capture both audio and video as well but seperately. He was having some problem with his PC. Now you must be wondering about the title of todays blog, that's coz from today on everyone at office will see me in semi casuals on thursdays. I thought that our QA guys are allowed in casuals all week and we're supposed to use it only on friday, so why not be free one more day. Todays pic was shot before snack time and it looked amazing with the clouds opening up for a while just enought to see the blue sky. We had to stay back till 9:30 to finish the task at hand and start afresh with new work tomorrow. It's official now coz we received the much awaited email about our new ID collection and us reporting to our new office in Hitech city. I thought of meeting Bhallu for capturing the video shot with my cam but had to stay back for work. We'll see it tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Path to Heaven

This picture is indeed a beautiful one with rays seeping thru the clouds as if heavens were opening up. I was confused about the selection of the best one among the ones shot today coz all of the were equally appealing. This wierd feeling was creeping in my stomach. I was away from office since 4 days and it felt like a lot must have changed and it would be hard for me catching up but things didn't change much except work assignment. Nowadays the work is so interesting and engrossing that I hardly remember playing pool. Always thought that reflection in .Net was good but never realized that they were extensively flexible. Gullu was online and we had some chat about his Pune visit. He seems to have enjoyed this visit a lot, being around new people and away from computers. It was interesting and I wanted to meet him in person and talk more so we decided to meet in the evening without me realizing the scheduled client call at 8:00. Bhallu and Mamu were out strolling after watching "The Angrez" again with Gullu when I called after the meeting. Reached home by 10:30 and now it's 11:30. That's it for today.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Independence Day
It's independence day and the first thing I saw was the parade with my blurry eyes. My memories came back when we used to get up early for school. No Classes for that day and we used to return with fruits and sweets and B.S.F celebrates the day as "Bada Khana" Day ( Big Feast). Each and every year we clebrated this special day with pride. Today mom was cooking a special curry for us and I was hoping to gorge it after playing cricket as planned. Tillu left today morning and Mamu had to visit office to fix some problem in his project, Gullu is still at Pune and will be setting out today. So it was me and Bhallu, we didn't play at all and finished it by using fruit juices and talked about a lot of things. Woke up late around 6:30 with Bhallu's call, he mentioned about this new card which he got from Mr. Raju. I wanted to capture all my videos from tape to Disk with my DVD but it was late already. Finally it was decided that i would pass my Cam with tapes to him the next morning.

Today i was supposed to go office but had to cancel at the last moment. Some unavoidable circumstances came up. Called up my team and informed them about my unavailablity. Anyway my work was finished by afternoon and i spent sometime talking to Bhallu and Tillu over the phone. Tillu had to leave for Karnool today evening and was not available for shopping. This shopping words seems overused but what can i say, the lowers and t-shirts were still on the list. Bhallu agreed to shop with me and we met around 7:30. I wanted to finish this thing asap coz i'm missing the gym a lot. Mamu too joined us and we were done by 9:00 with no sign of lowers at an affordable price. After shopping it was Tea time and remember this, whenever you are in Hyderabad and drinking tea at any Cafe do not forget to order Usmania/Osmania (not sure about the spelling), a tasty biscuit sort of thing. Back at home around 10:30 rajma was waiting in my plate ready to be devoured. It was finger licking tasty and i literally wiped the pan clean. I'm done for the day.
Sunday, August 13, 2006

The first thing i did after waking was calling up on Tillu's temporary number about his arrival. His friend told me that he was supposed to reach by 5:30 early morning but didn't reach yet. Now it was 7:30 and after calling Bhallu, we decided to meet at around 9:00. I reached Mamu's place by 9:15 and found him rinsing his jeans, a very painstaking job for him doing for the first time. He had spent last night at Bhallu's place watching movies and returned home today morning. He took off on Bhallu's scooter which he used to return home. I strolled around for a while and took this Sudoku puzzle and after some head scratching finally found out the way to solve it. I stood at the gate checking out the chicks passing by after my small discovery and noticed Tillu walking toward me. We shook hands and around the same time Mamu returned with Bhallu. We shot a few pics using Mamu's new 2.0 Mpix phone N71. These pics came out great and i've included one in my Orkut album. Vidhya was just in time beating my theory on his departure from cricket. We took our cricket bag and reached the ground to find only a few kids playing. We were all set to play the six over lineup in the following order: Tillu, Vidhya, Me, Bhallu and Mamu. Tillu played all his six over playing slightly out of form. Vidhya played 5 overs, thrasing Mamu and Bhallu with his great shots finally giving up his wicket to me after Mamu caught him in a reflexer. My bowling was moving body line with little space for the batsman to play the shots coz the ball sped towards the ribs quickly. Mamu got bold, Bhallu was out in his first over in two consecutive bowls with a reflexer c & b and a slow ball played on. Mamu claimed my wicket with his slow delivery forcing me to play the royal flush. We were at Maradugu around 12:30 and this time it was all fruit juice. Our planning for the evening was, Movie The Angrez, Shopping and Subway. Only two things happened, the movie and eat out at "Cafe Alsaba". I could go on writing about this hilarious movie which everyone should watch, maybe i'll point the link some other time with description. I was finally back at 10:00 and slept a bit late after starting my system for the scheduled downloads.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Shopping Saturday

Woke up late and kept archiving the reviews and some orkuting as well. Around 6:00 in the eveing I found out that Bhallu was out for a stroll with Mamu and Phalgun. I joined them at the park and we walked for a while and Mamu got me this rechargable battery which we ordered from Amazon. We did shop a few t-shirts for my gym and Mamu promise me about coming with me for the rest of shopping tomorrow. After returning I called up on the temporary number which Tillu gave me and found out that he will reach tomorrow morning around 5:30. Vidhya will certainly not come tomorrow and i'm guessing that his cricket days are almost over. Tomorrow we have to play cricket and i've to go to bed early. Todays pic was shot around 5:00 after a fresh shower with chunks of clouds sprinkled all over the sky and the sun shining. That's it for today.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Happy Weekend

The cloud in the pic looks to me like a cow fish. A chunk of cloud floating with a small tail and nothing around it. Today morning was as usual and had less work compared to regular day. It a regular occurence and on fridays everyone are in a happy mood coz weekend is almost there. Our lunch sucks and cakes vendor doesn't accept Sodexho's. Played pool after a long long time and i enjoyed it aswell. It took me a while to get back in form. Once back, all the shots seemed easy and 3 hours passed before leaving office. Almost all of the employees have planned for the connecting holidays and have applied for leave on monday making it 4 days. I think office strength will be half coming monday. I recently got this book "microsoft sql server 2000 weekend crash course", went thru a few pages and felt that it is a good one. It's a good start for someone who who needs to learn SQL Server 2000 fast and do not know where to start. These people have just the right mix of basic technical knowledge and curiosity, and need to feel comfortable using SQL Server. Tillu called up and gave me a temporary number for tomorrow. He will reach Hyderabad on sunday morning and we are planning to play cricket from 7:30 onwards. It's already 12:30 and i'll leave my system for the scheduled stuff.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Silver Lining

This is my first silver line sky shot after all these days, my friend Bharat is documenting his great collection of silver linings worth watching. My learning continued as usual but this time my speed has improved. Nothing much about morning except my downloader seemed to have problems maintaining connection, somehow it was not working. Anyway i turned it off and went back to bed. Talked to Gullu and KMan over Google Chat and coincidentally Gullu said to me the same thing that i wrote in yesterday's blog. I went upstairs around 5:20 to get the pic of the day and found this silver lining. My work was over by 8:30 and it took me 2 hours to reach home. Traffic cops were no where to be seen and regular guys were managing traffic. Now it's 12:30 and i'm waiting for spybot to finish scanning. That's it for today.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Learning Unlimited

Today I've learnt a lot in web programming, specifically the html part and damn!!, it is indeed different from our regular windows approach. To create a single screen it took me almost around 4 hours (learning part included). The other interesting thing that happened today is that I saw blue clouds (yes it's not a typo) and included it in this post as proof. All you have to do is look on the right top of the picture. It was unbelievable and amazing to see part of the clouds in blue and part in muddy. My day started as usual (now not going to gym has become normal!!) with me hurrying to office as usual. Played pool after lunch and raced down to finish the remaining work. We were done by 6:30 and I stayed back for a while to upload the pic shot from our office Cafeteria. No shopping today either, Bhallu had his sister visiting today evening for Rakhi and it's been quite sometime since i talked to Gullu. Now it's final, KMan is not visiting us this time and hopefully I might get a chance to visit him. Almost forgot to mention about my friend Rakesh, one of my buddies from Diploma came in touch thru Orkut and now we are catching up thru scraps. Dude!! this Orkut thing is cool and i'd definitely suggest it to everyone. Now it's 11:49pm and i'm done for today.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Amazing Clouds

Looking at this shot you will notice a trail of clouds across the sky with a hyperbolic curve. Today the sky was mostly blue with a few clouds sprinkled all over the sunny sky. I reached office as usual and we spent all day making estimates about the current project. No pool/TT today for the first time after getting addicted to it since the time they arrived at our office. We had this open house meeting where "Certificate of Excelence" were distributed and we returned back for the client call to end the day around 9:30pm. I called up Bhallu to cancel today's shopping plan but he was unavailable. Anyway while returning from office, i tried his number again but still the same status. I slept late after booting my pc for the scheduled downloads.
Monday, August 07, 2006
New Day

Finally the sky is opening up with sun visible during day but the clouds are catching up with the approaching evening. Yesterday it got late while copying Bhallu's reviews for studying some other time. Woke up early, turned off the phone and slept. Jessica Alba's pics were done by the time i woke up. These pics are different from the once with me. Anyway reached office to find nothing much to work on. Found a site with interesting articles including web.config details and Class browser. Radhika, our team lead came to office after returning from US. We had a team meeting where she detailed out the existing application and the proposed one as well. After some brain storming about the architecture we finally decided not to talk about until client gives out the details. Talked to Sagar after long time about playing problem of media files in a linux distribution named as Ubuntu. Gullu gave me some pointer which i would try this weekend along with a few changes in batting as well. It's 7:04pm and i'm thinking of playing some pool, get a few shots for my post in pool diving and if possible go to shopping with Bhallu. Well Bhallu had light headache and he too wanted to buy stuff so we decided to make it happen tomorrow. I just returned after a few games of pool and TT, totally exhausted. That's it for today.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Friendship Day

Woke up early around 5:30 and couldn't sleep yesterday either, don't know why. I received this "Friendship Day" message from Sasidhar, felt good and replied him back. Sent friendship greeting SMS to many friends and almost all of them replied back. Logged in Orkut and found out Sithal had already wished me, so i wished him in his scrap book and all my friends in Orkut. Keshav wanted to send an SMS to Sirisha too, i thought why the hassle and called up instead. It was all calls and messages today morning. I wished to call a special friend of mine but due to un availibility of number, i couldn't. I could have obtained the number thru other channels but it's better to take permission before adding someone's number to u'r phone book. Anyway not sure of cricket, i called up Gullu/Bhallu and after a long time Bhallu picked with his sleepy voice. Somehow i felt that he was not interested in playing but just to make sure i asked him and he said that we would meet by 10:00. I was there in time and found mamu at home checking out the pic quality shot by his new Nokia N71; yes Mamu finally bought a mobile. It seemed that low light pic shot was not good either and i knew that an outside shot would be superb with my experience of Nokia 3230; The banana tree shot came out very crisp. Gullu finally arrived after being stuck in his lift for a while, all alone. I guess not everyone is lucky like me to get stuck in a lift with a hot chick ;-). Anyway we made our way to the ground and found out the same uncle guys occupying and asking us not to play with a cork ball. Bhallu arrived and we did some catch practice and with some football. Mamu shot video of Gullu batting stance and approch for Gullu's blog on batting. We were back to our usual hangout with a few chicks here and there. After snacking I got these movie reviews from Bhallu and returned home. After lunch i went thru a few of them. Now it's 10:45 and i'm almost done with this. Coming to the shot of the day, got a crow flying this time.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Catching Up

It's now 8:36pm and i'm totally refreshed after sleeping for around 8 hours. I was totally exhausted after late nights over the whole week due to the dotnet fest. Now totally awake with all the catching up done and ready for some serious action. It seems rains had the same plan, continiously slashing since 3 days and finally opening up. It's not raining now and if it stays the same then we might get to play cricket tomorrow. I went thru this new book and it's been ok till now, didn't try any new example yet. I'll finish the pending movie review writes left by end of day. Since 2 days i was unable to get online due to connection failure in the phone box which we fixed today sometime back. Dad decided to do some cleaning up of our book shelf which turned out to be good decision coz rats were all over the place. Kman called us and he might make up his mind to come here for next weekend. It seems that he's playing a lot of snooker these days and i'm too thinking about playing it coz snooker forces u to play with a concious intent of developing the next shot while playing current one. Anyway my pool days are almost over with us shifting to our new building in HiTech City, may be this is a precursor for me to pickup a new game/skill.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Rainy Day

It's been raining since yesterday evening and I was soaked both ways to and from office. If you look at this picture, u'll notice a lot of grain in full size. This problem could be seen almost in all evening and shady pics shot by Nokia 3230. Bhallu called up and we talked about a lot of things including the plane pics mailed by him. It seemed that aunty was cooking something special and Gullu was helping her. Today Kman was busy with some meeting so nothing from his front. I looked into a few examples at quick start tutorial. Tillu sent this funny mail about chemistry paper and we started chatting thru mail. Went thru gullu's Cricket Blog and wrote a comment about clarifying my doubt. We had this photo session for the new swipe card to be used at our office in HiTech city. Nothing much happened today morning either except visiting temple. It's 7:12pm now and I'm listening to pokiri songs and thinking what else to write. Thats it for today.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
No Picture Day
It so happens that u go thru a phase when we have this immense hunger for dotnet, resulting which u wake up late; the next day. This phase thing doesn't last long but usually happens in cycles as other things. Anyway today i didn't get a shot coz it started raining and forgot to take in around 4:00. Same routine as usual with pool and TT. Friends from my previous project visited our office and it was a lot of fun catching up. Now it's 8:44 and i'm still in office with Prasanna sitting beside me and mailing the project status. He plans for gym every eveing but ends up entangled with the project stuff. Gullu suggested this great idea about writing random articles and posting in one place with a picture not sky but random. Talked to Kman for a while and did some catching up coz i was almost offline for two days busy with the project work. I'll add a few reviews in my download client and will try to get out of the cycle i mentioned earlier.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Lone Bird

Today the sky had a flat shade and the clouds were no where to be seen. Thinking a sky shot with out even a single cloud would look like a doctored picture. I kept waiting for something to appear and voila this eagle came out of no where and now it will stay in my shot forever. The day started as usual with no hope of going to the gym and above that reached late. Had an interesting session on web services around 2:00 after lunch and pool. Joined my friends for evening snacks and bacame a victim of their prank. They hid my phone and unfortunately the phone was in silent mode, with no hope asked a few guys around; no use. Finally they returned it back and our game continued. I called up Bhallu and met him at his place around 8:00 and Mamu joined us after a while. I was back by 10:00 and was fast asleep after switching on my system for downloads and watching some dotnet till 12:30.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Boring Day

This shot was taken from our Cafeteria, u can see the picture is a bit tilted. It seems that all the shots posted are evening ones with more clouds accumulating. There are a ones taken in the morning but very few. Well the day started as usual, no comments this time and after reaching office checked the feeds from wikipedia and another site with some SQL stuff. We had a mockup session, kinda preperation for the client call. Slept late around 12:00.
Cloudy Day

I woke up early and slept again finally getting off the bed around 7:30. I'm really pissed coz it's been a week since i did my workout. I forgot to start the download client and around 600 mb of download was lost adding insult to my injury. Finally left for office around 9:00. We didn't have much to do except understanding the existing system and document doubts for clarification. Played pool as usual after lunch and was back to work. Took this shot around 6:00 and it seemed like clouds were ready to dump everything in their belly but it didn't happen at all. I bought a book on ASP.Net, Wrox publication priced at 350 after a discount of 30%. Tillu sent this funny mail about the uses of the world's most popular word "fu**". We replied each other a couple of times sharing weekend events. Tillu might be free this 15'th of August, another ocassion for some masti. That's it for today.