Sky Watch
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007

It so happens that you come across something (movie, novel, person, anime) at some point in life that inspires you and gives you strength to achieve your dreams. I recently started watching this series "Naruto" and would rate it as the best anime ever seen. Be the plot, music or characters every thing has been potrayed beautifully. Must have to admit the Japanese are good at whatever they do and i've become a fan of this anime. Though i'm watching a subbed versions, i've started learning Japanese so that at some point in time it would be possible for me to understand the real thing (don't want to loose anything in translation).
Friday, April 20, 2007
Global Warming

A serious problem that escalated with only a few people noticing. The very fact has been properly presented in The Inconvenient Truth perhaps with a hint of politics but agreeable 99 percent of the time. You will find interesting trvia following the above link, don't know why Jessica Alba's pic was present in the gallery. Not sure where exactly where i read but it seems that these frequently visible high flying silvery clouds are a result of global warming. Technological sites like Scientific American and New Scientist constantly publish articles related to global warming apart from other interesting articles.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The heading is "excuse me" in Japanese, and this was supposed to be the last of the languages for me to pick up. Tried learning Spanish earlier but stopped in between for no particular reason. Spanish sounded more exotic with more of Hola's and Senorita's. I noticed one thing that we Indians could pick any language and speak it fluently with accent, may be due to the large number of native letters allowing us to pronunciate almost all phonems. I chose to learn Japanse was because of Naruto, eventhough i'm not there yet but still am able to pick very few words while watching the episodes. It's been great till now, let's see how much ground can be covered this time. Till then sumimasen....
Monday, April 16, 2007
Pranayam and Meditation

Last friday Bharat was talking to me about Pranayam and the change he felt after starting it. A state of activating the seven chakra's when you know everything and anything is the ultimate goal. This might sound spiritual but the fact that just by working on your breathing technique, you start observing things which never came onto the radar. Putting your words in the observer mode, you could even control the responses with otherwise would be expressed spontaneously. The best part is that my friend is noticing cool side effects of it already. His Table Tennis game has improved like anything and it seems his suave opponents are unable to retain that very property. For this to manifest effectively you will have to give up non-veg stuff as a part of "shudhi" cleansing process which is totally voluntary. Anyway i'll certainly write about my experience (especially the lucrative side effects) once i start doing it.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Automatic Unit Tests Generation and Implementation

This post is about generating tests automatically which would test the api's written by a developer with it's very first build. The idea is to generate tests which would run with the build process and report errors with subsequent changes to the code. This methodology makes sure that each and every api would be tested with all the basic negative tests that could be generated for the arguments used by the API. This could help the developer find bugs based on the permutations of inputs to the api, something tools like "AllPairs" do.
The other advantage of using it is that a properly compiled document about the API and tests cleared could be generated out of it. Another subtle usefulness of it could be making a standard way for developers to document their api's which would be useful to their successors and client programmers. Later white box testers could include their tests which would be listed in the help document created with every build.
Disclaimer - This methodology does not guarantee generation of tests covering 100% functionality of the API in question but would generate and implement code automatically.
Any scripting language (perl, tcl ...) for generating/implementing tests, invokable in Visual Studio or any prefered IDE.
Unit Test framework (JUnit, CppUnit, NUnit ...) for running the tests and reporting the results back.
Updation of three xml files namely "Api.xml", "Types.xml", "Minimalobjects.xml" and "TestsCollection.xml".
The first three documents are updated by the developers and the last one is modified/updated by the script and whitebox testers. Now lets look at the structure of the "Api.xml" file, this structure might not be adequate for everyone but could be modified to suit the requirements.
Now lets examine what the above xml means and how would it be useful to us. This xml file is a store of Api's written used in the solution. This would contain all the api's written along with the relevent information as described below:
"name" and "author" attributes are for denoting the name of the Api and the author, more attributes such as "module => shading / filling", "excutes (remote/local)" for clarity in documentation.
"Description" is for describing the functionality of the Api.
"Arguments" contains all the arguments the api takes. This could be processed recursively and test generated accordingly.
In arguments "type" attribute describes the type of argument. "Description" is the info about that argument. Print value and help link are purely for Documentation purpose and can be extended accordingly.